Complete the application for your company to enter the Free Zone Regime through VUI
The Foreing Trade Statics Portal is a tool which allows the combination of different variables for identificat...
Use our payment tool to pay for the events and capability development plans offered by PROCOMER
Find offerings of Costa Rican differentiated products, meet companies that innovate and give added value to th...
The Foreign Trade Statisctis Portal is a tool which allows the combination of different variables for the iden...
Learn about new trends and evaluate business opportunities between Costa Rican companies and potential buyers ...
Our Integrated Logistics System (SIL for the initials in Spanish) holds data on a vast quantity of logistics p...
Take advantage of the Single Window of Foreign Trade, the agency responsible for centralizing and simplifying ...
Learn the main steps to take your company to international markets and remember, in PROCOMER we help you to ex...
Hemos cerrado el proceso de inscripción para Encadenados 2024. Sin embargo, si se encuentra interesado en participar por favor enviar un correo a: para que el equipo de Encadenamiento evalúe su solicitud.